Pool Magic® + Phosfree®
Provides fast and easy openings and closings
Use Pool Magic + PHOSfree at both opening and closing to reduce the time and effort needed to open the pool. Works great with mesh covers!

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SKU: 15141NCM
Product Education
- Provides fast, easy start-ups
- SMARTZyme technology that is formulated for cold water application
- Reduces waterline ring and phosphates
Directions for use:
Sanitizer level should be below 5ppm before adding this product.
New pools, openings, & initial phosphate removal:
- Follow dealer instructions to fill (if new pool) and balance water chemistry.
- Shake well and use entire bottle for pools up to 25,000 gallons by adding to the skimmer with the circulation system running.
Note: Do not backwash/clean the filter for 48 hours after adding this product.
At closing:
- Add product to a properly balanced pool (with sanitizer level below 5ppm) at a rate of 1 bottle per 25,000 gallons.
- For same day closing, product can be added to the pool water evenly around the edges.
Note: This product removes 300ppb of phosphates from 20,000 gallons.
For opening: Test phosphate levels weekly and treat as necessary in order to maintain phosphate levels 100ppb or lower.
For closing: Phosphate levels should be 100ppb or lower for optimal results.

Instead of getting technical and trying to teach a science class explaining how enzymes work we will try to break it down more simply. Enzymes break non-living things down to smaller and smaller bits. Many non-living things are in pool and spa water; body oils, sweat, cosmetics and sunscreens to name a few. SMARTZymes contain thousands of enzymes with the potential to break down thousands of different non-living waste products in your water.
Natural Chemistry pioneered the use of phosphate removal technology long before it was popular. High phosphate levels in pool water can create many water issues. Most people today are aware of the efforts by government agencies to limit the use of phosphates in common household products due to their effect on water. Natural Chemistry has a variety of phosphate removal products that have been proven to make water care easier.