Salt Water Magic Liquid
Phosphate Remover: reduces phosphate levels. Low phosphate levels help prevent calcium phosphate buildup on the cell and pool equipment
Naturally Based Enzymes: reduce non-living organic buildup in water, on pool surfaces, and in filter media. This minimizes maintenance and scrubbing - resulting in crystal clear water and a reduction in scum lines

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Available Sizes

1 L
SKU: 17402NCM
- Breaks down filter-clogging grime such as sunscreens, oils, and other non-living organic contamination
- Increases time between filter cleanings
- Removes problem-causing phosphates
Directions for Use
This product is designed for use in properly balanced pool water.
1. Clean or backwash filter.
2. Shake bottle well as contents may settle.
3. Add 1 bottle per 20,000 gallons to the skimmer with circulation system running. Sanitizer level should be below 5 ppm before adding this product.
Note: Do not backwash/clean filter within 48 hours after adding this product.