Spa Cleanse Weekly
The Ultimate Spa Maintenance Product
Cleanse Weekly is a concentrated blend of naturally based enzymes and phosphate remover. It reduces unwanted non-living organic contaminants such as: body oils, cosmetics, suntan lotions, hair products and so much more! Cleanse Weekly reduces scum lines, scrubbing of the waterline, and unpleasant odors. It provides crystal clear, sparkling water with less work. Cleanse Weekly works as a continuous cartridge filter cleaner and removes unwanted phosphate contamination.

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SKU: 14230NCM
Product Education
- Add once per week for easy spa maintenance
- Reduces time and effort to maintain crystal clear spa water
- Specifically formulated for hot water
- Reduces scum lines, scrubbing of the waterline and unpleasant odors
- Continually cleans spa filters to prolong filter cycles
- Removes problem causing phosphates
Directions for use:
This product is designed for use in properly balanced spa water.
Weekly with the filtration system running, add 1 capful per 500 gallons directly to spa or hot tub water (small threaded cap is 1/2 oz. and oversized cap is 4 oz.).
Note: Sanitizer level should be below 5ppm before adding this product.