Spa Brominating Concentrate™
One-step sanitizer and oxidizer that restores water clarity
Spa Brominating Concentrate is a low odor one step sanitizer and oxidizer that restores water clarity in spas and hot tubs.

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SKU: 14224NCM
Product Education
- One step sanitizer and oxidizer
- Restores water clarity
- Quick dissolving
Directions for use:
It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Read entire label and use strictly in accordance with precautionary statements and directions.
This product is a practical, easy to use sanitizer for spa and hot tub water. It rapidly and completely dissolves without cloudy or insoluble residue in water to provide effective bromine disinfection. This product may be used as a super oxidation treatment to rid spa and hot tub of organic wastes.
Ensure all spa and hot tub equipment is working properly. Backwash or clean the filter system following manufacturer's directions. Adjust pH to between 7.2-7.6. When using other products as outlined in the directions for this product, always follow directions on those products. Spas should be drained and cleaned at least every 60 days or whenever water becomes difficult to manage or keep clear. Bath oils, salts and lotions should not be used unless specifically formulated for use in spas and hot tubs as they can lead to cloudy water.
Add 1 level teaspoon of this product per 200 gallons of water with circulation system operating. Test for available bromine and repeat sanitization dose at 15 to 20 minute intervals until a residual of 3-6 ppm is established. It is recommended that a test kit be used regularly to determine when additional doses are needed to maintain a residual of 3-6 ppm bromine.
FOR SUPER OXIDATION: A super oxidation dose is needed to destroy water soluble organic wastes. This may be needed on a daily basis in a heavily used spa or once a week in a moderately used spa. Add 4 teaspoons of this product per 200 gallons of water with circulation system operating.