What are people saying about us?

"The phosphate test kit now included with the bottle of PHOSfree is outstanding! I now know the initial amount of chemical to be added to the pool based on test results. I am a die hard user of PHOSfree."

"...I exclusively do the pool maintenance in our household, and I swear that one of the "if I die" things I have told my husband is this: If I die, promise me you will add Pool Perfect+PHOSfree to the pool every Saturday for the rest of your life. It's literally all he knows to do to the pool!"

B.Quinlan (Tampa, FL)

"This incident was at a commercial pool. We also found out that a bottle of Brake Fluid was also dumped in the pool. Pool has cleared up nicely. We added product at 8:30am yesterday and by 6pm it was 90% clear. I had the guards sponge up the oil/fluid as it was drawn into the skimmers to help minimize the amount of contaminant going into the filtration system. This is the first time I've used the product for treating pool with motor oil dumped in it. We are very happy with the results."

Megan N. in Maryland