Pool Perfect®​ Total™

Maintenance product that cleans pools in three ways.

This highly concentrated formula works in three ways to clean your pool. Naturally based enzymes break down pollen, sunscreens, non-living bather waste and more. This reduces frequency of filter cleanings and scrubbing the scum line. Pool Perfect TOTAL​ uses industry-leading phosphate removal to control unwanted phosphate contamination. It polishes and clarifies water for a sparkling clean pool.

Triple Clean for a Perfect Pool

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SKU: 05225NCM


Product Education


  • Naturally based enzymes break down pollen, sunscreens, lotions, oils and more - reducing filter cleaning and scum lines
  • Removes phosphates
  • Improves water clarity


Directions for use:

This product is designed for use in properly balanced pool water.

  1. Shake the bottle well as contents may settle.
  2. Each week, add 1 capful per 10,000 gallons of water into the skimmer with the circulation system running.
  3. Proceed with regular pool operation.

Note:​ Sanitizer level should be below 5ppm before adding this product.


Material Safety Data Sheets